What is Homeopathy?
A homeopath considers all the factors that may contribute to your poor health, looking at physical, mental and emotional symptoms, and listens to you to understand your specific symptoms and needs, using them rather than a disease label to find the most appropriate remedy for you.
Just as we become aware of a car or other piece of equipment making a strange sound or not performing as we would expect, we can learn to become aware of our own ability to function; when something isn’t quite right we can stop and try and deal with it before it becomes a more significant or deeper problem.
Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘like cures like’. A substance that causes a variety of symptoms when taken by a well person may when given in very small doses help to remove the same symptoms in someone feeling unwell.
Remedies are thought to act as a catalyst and trigger and support the body’s innate healing ability.
Remedies are made from animal, mineral or plant substances and, because they are given in a highly diluted form, do not contain toxic substances.
Because of the ‘minute dose’, remedies are safe for all ages, even during pregnancy, and there is no danger of addiction or side effects.
Patients are advised to maintain contact with their GP.
To find out more about research and evidence of homeopathy please see homeopathy-soh.org/research/evidence-base-for-homeopathy/homeopathy-in-practice